.: Let’s Get Started :.

“I wanted to go zero to sixty, but I needed a content manager who was willing to create the map and drive the car. Kate-Madonna did exactly that, while also delivering results.”

Content Strategy and Digital (Web) Copywriting

Kate-Madonna understands the natural cycle of marketing collateral and copy that converts consumer to business, and reader to paid subscriber. Published in national magazines, quarterlies, books and more, Kate-Madonna has established herself as a prolific and gifted writer. With over 17 years of published experience from running regional magazines to leading newsrooms, Kate-Madonna succinctly demonstrates her ability to action from the online word. Fluent in SEO, analytics and public relations, Kate-Madonna pinpoints target audience and crafts each word to suit. 

Content services include: 

  • Industry Whitepapers
  • Website copywriting
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Scripting
  • Speechwriting
  • Editing current content offerings and websites to better align copy with target audience



>>  Contact Kate-Madonna about your project